カンニング竹山、「原発の処理水」放出批判に「なんで福島だけ言われなきゃいけない?」…韓国も中国も膨大なトリチウムを排出 https://smart-flash.jp/entame/241524/
「コロナ乗り切ったのに」 美容室倒産1.4倍 活路はシェアサロン:朝日新聞デジタル
The new dog, a two month old Shiba, likes the hydrangea bush too. She scared and shy now with us her new people, and all the birds, and the new environment. But she's handling it pretty well. After sharing the news about the killer cat, our missing chicks, our murdered Mangle-chan last blinks, somebody offered us an extra puppy they happened to have. Fate!!!
It's hard to imagine Marron becoming a fire-breathing cat-chaser now, but she already warned us. She gave one sharp bark, and I saw a quick white cat run out of the yard... That cat ate the food I left out for it (according to advice from the cat protection group) and then came looking for chick-dessert.
A friend that make a living raising chickens (organically) and selling eggs told me that are good at protecting the chickens from everything except for snakes. But from other stories I've heard and seen, the big snakes a pretty easy to catch..
#dog #ShibaDog #ShibaKen #柴犬 #柴
Getting the birds and their protector, Marron the shy Shiba dog used to each other. They don't seem to mind each other. They are not kissey-huggy or anything but they seem to be doing ok. Marron already helped out. She gave a short sharp bark and we saw that the Mangle-killing chick-eating white-brown cat was in the yard. Now we have to see if she'll get used to sleeping out on her own within sight of the Silkies. She's making some noise, crying now. I think she used to sleep in a cage with another dog. Maybe we should have put a few hens in there with her. We're going to try a Hotwater Bottle and Towel now. I hope the advice that people find through on-line video providers it good advice...
#ShibaDog #ShibaKen #BackyardChickens #Silkies #SilkyChickens #柴犬 #烏骨鶏