大津波警報は最小で5m〜なので、熊本などを含む2011年以降すべての地震で発令されていない [参照]
・ Firefish のソフトウエア開発の中心人物である Kainoa さんがしばらく音信不通になっている。
・ サーバー firefish.social では深刻な技術的問題が続いている。
・ Kainoa さんは Panos さんや Namekuji さんなどの数人を「コアメンバー」に招いたけど、対等に権限を分けたわけではないので本人以外では手出しに限界がある。
・ Panos さんと Namekuji さんで Misskey‐系の新規プロジェクトである Catodon を発足させた。
ZonePane Bluesky対応版 Beta16 出しました。
Ugh, I really tried to stay out of #fediverse drama but I guess I have to say a few things. Most of you know me as a #firefish core team member, so I think I owe it to the admins of almost 500 firefish servers out there and to the almost 5000 members of firefish.social.
So, yeah, if you haven't noticed, things aren't looking good for firefish. Its owner, Kainoa, has practically abandoned the project, which had its last stable release out on July. My last message to them was a week ago, and I haven't heard back since. Firefish.social, besides the other severe technical problems it's had due to mismanagement in the last few months, now also has serious federation issues. I hope Kainoa is well irl, but this is irresponsible and unacceptable.
I hear some of you saying "but you're in the core team too, don't try to put the blame elsewhere!". So I have to explain what being a core team member in firefish meant. Kainoa invited me, Namekuji and a few others to be part of the "core team", but kept all decisions and responsibilities. We didn't co-own this. We never shared donations. We were just volunteers, who were honestly trying to make it a great project. This didn't work well due to concentration of power to one person, who didn't keep their promises. I don't mean to be harsh to Kainoa, I mean we knew they were only 19 when they started the project. Still, it's a bummer to anyone who chose to trust and support Firefish. This includes myself.
I don't know if it's early to consider firefish a dead project, but it sure seems like that for a few months now. Maybe it can be resurrected, idk. It's all up to Kainoa.
In the meantime, Namekuji and I are starting #Catodon, which will have some differences with Firefish, and will include many changes I had discussed with Kainoa but were never implemented. If you decide to stick with us, we promise to be serious about this. I strongly believe in the fediverse and its potential, and I want to build a great platform for it. This was my goal when I chose to be involved in Calckey/Firefish. It's still my goal with Catodon, only this time I can stand behind it 100%, as the project will be co-managed by Namekuji and me. If Firefish left you with a bitter aftertaste, we hope we can build a better relationship and prove ourselves worthy of your trust. Catodon will go public in a matter of days, possibly even hours. We'll have more to say about its direction then.
In the meantime, I just wanted to share my apologies for any inconvenience regarding Firefish, as I'm still technically a core team member, whatever that means. But frankly, I tried so hard to make things go differently - but there's only so much you can do when it's someone else's project. I'm really sorry for how things went.
But this is not the end of the fedi journey for me. I'm super excited about the chance to do some things right this time with Catodon. Life goes on, I guess! Hope to see you soon on our #codeberg repo, so we can start a new creative adventure together =)
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#fedibird #twitter #togetter
ioの42万、jpの40万に次ぐレベルか、すごいな /
ほく@タイッツー開発者(@hoku)さんのタイーツ | タイッツー https://taittsuu.com/users/hoku/status/17596745
人数増に対応するために、2月4日にベアメタルサーバ3台体制、2月11日にさらに追加で4台体制化、AWS - S3でまわしていたオブジェクトストレージをWasabiへ移行する(5月)などの対策を取りました。
ついっとぺーんとぞーぺんを技術的な視点で振り返る - 某ソフト作者の開発日記 https://halts.hatenablog.com/entry/2023/12/30/142159
用のMastodon&Misskey&Blueskyクライアント #ZonePane
(@zonepane) を作っています。Twitterクライアント #TwitPane の作者です。
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