An ecologist loving fieldwork and interested in mechanisms governing dynamics of spatial patterns in birds and other animals at multiple scales. Conservation of biodiversity in farmlands is another important goal of my life. I like walking and enjoy taking a walk through forests and around farmland landscapes in my home town Kamakura and study field Hanamaki in Japan. Using digital tools for thoughts like outliner apps, Emacs Org mode, and Smalltalk are my favorite hobbies.
「ロスアンゼルスへの道」(栗原俊秀訳、未知谷) を買いました。ジョン・ファンテ最初の作品で、訳者栗原さんのお話しだと、当初、どの出版社から断られて世に出たのはずっとあとだったとか。アルトゥーロくんが大人になる前夜を描いた作品でしょうか。
残雪を読め! 「良い夜を聴いている」
We don't have to choose between the environment and the economy.
You can do both.
We've proven it.
かきました | 手伝いはむつかしい. gofujita notes.
writing, walking, science, natural history, programming