お夕飯は Ottolenghiさんのレシピで、中東のミックススパイスza’atar(ザタール)と塩レモンの風味をきかせた、たまごとリークの蒸し煮。サワードウのトーストを添えて。
Across Japan, baby names are getting more creative | The Japan Times
Despite a government-managed list of acceptable kanji, parents are choosing more unique readings for their children than ever before.
#Japanese #English #日本語 #英語 #LearningEnglish
#LearningJapanese #日本語の勉強 #英語の勉強
うんざりだ、人権を「多数決」で決める無関心な社会 石原燃さん寄稿
I do exactly the same - whenever I travel somewhere, I always read books or authors from the place I'm going to. Here are some suggestions from Hiromi Kawakami (who has written some of my favourite books) on what you may want to read if you're visiting Tokyo.
I suppose she's too modest to mention her own books, but I would also recommend both "Strange Weather In Tokyo" and "The Nakano Thrift Shop".
"Hiromi Kawakami, one of Japan’s most popular contemporary novelists, travels with books that help her immerse herself in her destination. Here, she suggests reading for those coming to her hometown, Tokyo."
Hey everyone. Just wanted to eliminate the confusion and let you know that this is actually me. 😂 Hope you are having an awesome Thursday!
『エクソフォニー 母語の外へ出る旅』
#本 #読書
… We humans feel and understand (or at least try to understand) the contexts and know the right words for the right instances. To be able to execute that in different languages, we DO need to learn foreign languages and the diverse cultures behind them. #MachineTranslation #Language ■
#機械翻訳 は計算機のようなもの。文字面から見える「計算可能」な内容だけをピックアップして数式処理するのです。行間にある思想や文章の背景を読むことはできません。
人間が機械翻訳に依存し外国語の学習をやめてしまったら、使いものにならない「翻訳メモリの肥溜め」が拡大していくことでしょう。 続く👇
What I wanted to say yesterday ↑ was;
there are unresolvable ambiguities when you convert one language to another. You have to think of the circumstances in which that phrase is used, who is being addressed, in what tone of voice, and with what kind of intentions. Machine Translation is like a calculator, it uses a preset formulas. It does not think or see what ideology is behind the words. If we continue to rely on these algorithms, we will all live in a pigsty of unusable translation memory.
‘aBiogenesis’ reimagines the primordial soup theory in a mesmerizing #animation by Markos Kay.
English → Japanese translator, transcreator, copy cruncher. UK在住 英日マーケティング翻訳者、トランスクリエイター。かたいものやわらかいもの割となんでも訳します。◆◇◆ ソロサーバーに引っ越ししました。@etta ◆◇◆