【It it still relevant to learn foreign languages when AI can translate them for you?】

systems use previously translated texts by humans.

If we stop learning foreign languages and rely on machines which solely rely on the stock of big data, then we start a vicious circle where translations get progressively worse.



What I wanted to say yesterday ↑ was;

there are unresolvable ambiguities when you convert one language to another. You have to think of the circumstances in which that phrase is used, who is being addressed, in what tone of voice, and with what kind of intentions. Machine Translation is like a calculator, it uses a preset formulas. It does not think or see what ideology is behind the words. If we continue to rely on these algorithms, we will all live in a pigsty of unusable translation memory.

… We humans feel and understand (or at least try to understand) the contexts and know the right words for the right instances. To be able to execute that in different languages, we DO need to learn foreign languages and the diverse cultures behind them.

人間が機械翻訳に依存し外国語の学習をやめてしまったら、使いものにならない「翻訳メモリの肥溜め」が拡大していくことでしょう。 続く👇

… 人間には、行間からコンテキストを読みとる(読みとろうとする)言語処理能力があります。読み手聞き手を思いやる心があります。その能力を使って本当の意味での「正しい翻訳」をしていくためには、外国語学習と異文化理解がこれまで以上に大切になると私は思うのです。■

