@makochou101 It's so difficult for me to read the English volume. But I'm reading the one as an e-book on kindle, so searching unknown words is easy. Thank you for your message!
Today's study report
・hello talk
I practiced how to pronounce ɑ,æ,ʌ sounds on ELSA app. Especially ɑ sound was hard to understand how to pronounce it.
I posted a moment about my son's letter written by his friend on hello talk app this morning. And I talked with my hello talk friends on the app. I have a few hello talk friends. They gave me corrections of the moment.
I've been using Anki, a flash card app, recently. This app can customize in many ways, but I can't still use it in effective way.
#langtoot #languagelearning
@gaby @adachika192 あ、それが言いたかったのです。説明不足でごめんなさい💦そしてかおりさん、わかりやすいです😁
@marcususa@masto.ai I see! I'm sorry that I couldn't help you. I hope you use mastodon with comfort.
@marcususa@masto.ai ①Open someone's toot in the instance you want to block ②open a menu of the toot ③There is a command in the menu!
I asked my instance's owner how to block them.
I hope this message is helpful.
I have two sons. I want to learn English while taking care of my kids. I live in Japan.