

Some days ago, I found "caramel tablets for puddings" on a store. What a convenient goods! Add memo about the tablet in my easy cooking recipe book.

今日はしみじみ寒いですね。数日アイスコーヒーが美味しかったのがウソのようで、今日はぬくぬくカフェオレ。忙しさに一段落ついて、 を見返しているところ。去年の日記に福島震度6弱停電と書いてあって、もう一年経ったのかと驚く雨の午後です。

So chilly day Today. After busy week, I tried to write 5 year diary. I found my memo said "Fukushima earthquake intensity 6 lower, electricity failure” on the page of 16 Mar. 2022. The year went by surprisingly fast.

出かけることが増えてくると、 に貼ったりつけたりするお土産が増えてきて、最初のセットアップからはまたアレンジを変えてみようかななどと考えてみたり、の今朝の  

Travel memories, like stickers, budges, charms give me fun time to customize my traveler's notebook. I usually decide theme to customize for each traveler's notebook at the start of use, but may be good idea to re-consider the theme in celebration of resurgence of travel chance.


Usually I choose red-color ink for maroon color fountain pens, like burgundy red for this 144. In this season, however, I would like use light color inks with spring sent, hmm.


Heavy head of tulip is difficult to keep in a large vase. To enjoy last flower and its sent, put it in a short grass vase on the dining table.

年度末の最繁期途中(ラストスパート)なのだけど、とりあえず途中でこけないように今日はゆったり目で。最近の焦燥感とかイライラは基本疲労だよねえと思った次第。こんな時は太字でざっくり書く方向で。(ぼんやりしてるうちに結構 飲んじゃった)

Enjoy a short rest with coffee in a busy season. Feeling impatience and irritations simply means fatigue. In such a case, use B or BB nib of fountain pen to be easy-going.


I love small size notebooks or organizers. So I love small size pens too! Faber Castell's pocket ball pen is so lovely for use of the cap on the tail like the Mozart fountain pen, Montblanc.


I do not have pen with cherry blossom motif, but pen cases.
Enjoy spring on your desk!


My five years diary have 2/29 once, that is 2022 (I did not write anything... since this term is so busy every year). So only the day have two facing pages, just for one day.

On 28 Feb 2022, I wrote, "I could not sleep until early morning, spring is approaching"

自宅の窓辺のなんちゃってブックヌックで を。クッションも冬物からそろそろ春っぽくしてもいいかなあ。カバーを考えよう。

Window side seat for reading. Its nice season to enjoy morning sunshine.

一階はまだ陽の角度が冬っぽいかな。久しぶりにのんびり を淹れた休日。(縦写真です!)

Afternoon tea time of Bank holiday (The Emperor's Birthday).

基本 のカスタムは公式グッズを避けているのだけれど、丸いのが可愛かったのでレコードのキーホルダーをお迎えした。たぶんトラベラーズノートにはつけないと思うけど、なんに使おうか思案中。

I usually avoid to get "official" goods for customizing traveler's notebook. This time, I got record shape key holder from the Traveler's factory, love this round shape!


Fisnish a bottle for my office!


Bright sunshine make shadow of curtain. Today's photo reflects my gloomy mood in the morning.


Rhodia Memo: I will go to my office expecting remained chocolate brownies from St Valentaine's day!

Now, I am in my office with the brownies! So I set coffee machine with Velentine's blend.


My reading mood is returned! (but still too busy to read .....)


Really busy season. Its really nice to find a box of nice chocolate from a friend at home.


A snowing day. Light from garden snow reflection made a specific kind of dim evening light.

