アパタイトをフォルカンに入れてみた。お題は #ホームズ英文書写 からお借りしました。思ったより薄く濃淡がでるので、面白いかも。最初の印象とまた違った感じですね。#fountainpen #coffee #万年筆 #コーヒー #photography #handwriting
Hmm, I have no idea about the nib (Aoki nanyodou).
It’s really nice to hear name of Eurobox. Many my old pens are from the store.
@petitnama Thanks for the information! I usually write with a flex nib, so I'm not worried about damaging it. However, most of mine are vintage European pens, so the line is slightly wider, and the flex is more forgiving. 🙂
In addition to the western pens, I also have a Pilot Falcon and a Justus 95 (as well as an old pen that I bought at Eurobox in Tokyo - it looks like a Pilot 53R O-Type, but the imprint says
DEAL S.F.PE. (or maybe it was IDEAL once-upon-a-time)