Today, MIXI, Inc. launched a new social networking service called mixi2 in Japan.

MIXI, Inc. is a veteran social networking company that still operates mixi, an SNS launched in March 2003, and is also a game developer/publisher that created the hit Monster Strike.


It is a centralized social networking service created by a developer who likes decentralized social networks. It takes advantage of the benefits of a centralized system, while also learning from the good points of Fediverse, and has studied Misskey closely and incorporated its functions. One of the most notable features is "Emoteki," which allows you to express emotional text with emoji reactions, which are popular on Discord, as well as text color, size, background, animation, and more.

Registration is by invitation only.

*1 This is a joke that when read in reverse in Japanese, it becomes Mi-Ku-Shi-i (the pronunciation of mixi).

What underlying benefits of a decentralized system does it have, other than some UI bits?

They have learned well that people want to be able to control the scope of their content, how it is used, and what flows on their timeline.

They have restrained themselves from the elements that they tend to impose as a platform provider, and have successfully reproduced the user experience that can be obtained in a decentralized system.

Unfortunately, however, because it is inherently centralized, mixi2 does not obtain the fundamental advantages of a decentralized system. It only partially reproduces them.

Does Mixi2 discourage the kind of social ills and maladaptive behaviours that have ruined the west?

It's written in Japanese, but the article on prohibited items may be helpful. (You probably can't read it. Please read it in machine translation.)

Also, here are my impressions. I feel that it's designed to suppress things, not to incite them. It's closed, and doesn't cover all social activities, but it looks like it's going to be a relaxing SNS where you can have fun. [参照]

> 16. 第三者の名誉や社会的信用を毀損したり、不快感や精神的な損害を与える行為
> 22. 未成年の方が本サービスを利用する行為
Based 👍
