Ecuadorian #STS reimagined through "#thirdspace" and #Chakana symbolism.
Belén Albornoz uncovers the challenges of community identity building and knowledge production in Ecuadorian #STS.
Read here:
The #Translation of "STS" in #Chinese points at the #Internationalization of the field not as simple knowledge transfer—
—but as local attempts to make sense of, and negotiate the #globalization of #STS
Read by
Gonçalo Santos,
Naubahar Sharif &
Jack Linzhou Xing:
KSM on gay gods, machines and melodramatic stories (squeezed between failed climate actions and carbon tax plans never realized) in front of a statue of #Ganymede in Zürich.
wow 😯 did you know that you can sue your employer after you stumbled an fell due to being tangled in the cables underyour desk during remote work!? watchme!
#remotework #connected #ActorNetworkheory
BBC - The Inquiry, Is work from home working?
地質(学)は今日、このすぐ近くで動いてるもの。#人新世 の始まりを示す基準地の候補として、東電#福島第一原発 周辺の湖海岸が?
「原発処理水の海洋放出開始 初回、17日間で7800トン」『日本経済新聞』
文部科学省文化庁から #オーストラリア先住民の遺骨等の保管に関する調査 というアンケート(国立大学教員全員宛?)が届きました。丁寧というか、やりすぎというか、よくわからないけど、全国いったい何ヶ所でオーストラリア先住民の遺骨が保管されてるのかな🤔これから地域ごとに全世界調べるかい?
FICT Japan
#worldbuilding #speculativefiction #climatechange
a student from the department of economics asked my opinion about his draft of a literature review article. he designed a protocol of screening 10,000 articles about a specific topic by keyword search, digging databases, ai, what have you. the rest—i.e. the articles, or at least the abstracts and bibliographies, that he actually reads—is called “grey literature” 😵 hope that they won’t criminalize reading texts before I retire.
an important and well told story about #openaccess and the trials and errors of spreading knowledge 📚
One step closer to and/or further from the #anthropocene #人新世
Via @mohacska
In our series on Ecologies of Experimentally, tomorrow at the Institute for Research in Humanities at Kyoto University, Casper Bruun Jensen will talk about a #rewildingding project in the heart of #Bangkok. Everyone is welcome to join, no registration required.
明日、12月22日(木曜日)、実験性を問い続けるシリーズの次回の研究会を開催します。京都大学の人文科学研究所でCasper Bruun Jensen を迎えて、バンコクの中心で進められている再野生化(rewilding)プロジェクトについての発表となります。ご関心のある方、ふるってご参加ください。事前登録は不要です。
Hó és mágikus #bizbaszok
#Snow and magic bric-à-brac
雪と#魔術 的がらくた
Let’s kick then off. My first ever toot on #experimental #plant #coexistence
növényekről és hogy hogyan élnek is ők együtt ebben a mi kis kísérletiesen egocentrikus ökoszisztémánkban.|NSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=currents
#anthropologist, of sorts | searching for better ways of #livingtogether in these increasingly permeable worlds