Ebook readers keep asking me of “reading goal.” “5” (hours per day), “7” (books per month), “14” (reviews per year), what have you. Could you please add an option called “reading”—as the most obvious goal of reading?

if growing up is the last meaningful event in life, Marie Antoinette had the perfect 1

“Ahogy lassan, még a késő délutáni barna homály fölbukkanása előtt, elfacsarodik a nap szíve: nincs ok, csupán a csöpögő barna homály. Meghalni bűn, motyogta Esti Kornél.”

lengyel és szaúd-arábiai fizikusok bud spencer film nézési szokásaitól a melankolikus szovjet micimackó rajzfilmekig…a hallgatói egyszerűen utolérhetetlenek…


I was invited to this exciting workshop at the University of Tokyo in February as a discussant. Looks like there are other fellow anthropologists out there exploring the role of chemicals in making humans healthy and/or sick. Jump in if you’re interested and happen to be in the area!


ünnepek közötti csendélet—1 kakasleves 3 grízgombóccal (háttérben nagyi covidos bögréje)

don’t you often read or hear from others that our perception of time is shrinking by age? but what about space? i was shocked to learn today that the route that I used to walk to and back from school, which was practically the universe to me from age 6 to 10, is a mere 3000 steps. that was before pedometers, but still.



hotel lobby on the island of : two groups of elderly people, one from , and another from are in the middle of a heated debate over whose state has the best mexican food “in the world” 😂😂😂 maybe ? 🇲🇽🇺🇸

coming to Hawaii from Japan ✈️ 43 hrs monster Tuesday is at last over 🥱

Tanulság. Ha nincs kedved szarakodni a környezetvédelemmel, csinálj belőle pártpolitikát. Ezt akartuk, nem? Tessék, minden-posztmodern-politika 2023. Bruno elvtárs vajon forog-e a sírjában?


mohacsi gergely🌿 さんがブースト

The development of #STS in Turkey follows #MoreThanInstitutional trajectories through hybrid #place based #politics at the intersections of,

—research, education, art, and the public.

Read by @aybikealkn, @maralerol3 & @DuyguKasdogan: doi.org/kvkz


mohacsi gergely🌿 さんがブースト

Ecuadorian #STS reimagined through "#thirdspace" and #Chakana symbolism.

Belén Albornoz uncovers the challenges of community identity building and knowledge production in Ecuadorian #STS.

Read here: doi.org/ktpf

#places #spaces #transnationalSTS

