“Ja, ha nekünk annyi olajunk lenne, mi is rajzolgatnánk művészeket a repülőinkre, ugye.” @tilosradio 😂
#art #fossilfuels #northernlights
don’t you often read or hear from others that our perception of time is shrinking by age? but what about space? i was shocked to learn today that the route that I used to walk to and back from school, which was practically the universe to me from age 6 to 10, is a mere 3000 steps. that was before pedometers, but still.
関西近辺の皆さん、今日!京大の人文研で開催されるセミナーの案内です。関心のある人、ふるってご参加ください👋☃️ #人新世 #共生 #人類学
KSM on gay gods, machines and melodramatic stories (squeezed between failed climate actions and carbon tax plans never realized) in front of a statue of #Ganymede in Zürich.
#anthropologist, of sorts | searching for better ways of #livingtogether in these increasingly permeable worlds