if growing up is the last meaningful event in life, Marie Antoinette had the perfect 1

“Ahogy lassan, még a késő délutáni barna homály fölbukkanása előtt, elfacsarodik a nap szíve: nincs ok, csupán a csöpögő barna homály. Meghalni bűn, motyogta Esti Kornél.”

ünnepek közötti csendélet—1 kakasleves 3 grízgombóccal (háttérben nagyi covidos bögréje)

don’t you often read or hear from others that our perception of time is shrinking by age? but what about space? i was shocked to learn today that the route that I used to walk to and back from school, which was practically the universe to me from age 6 to 10, is a mere 3000 steps. that was before pedometers, but still.



第3回 大阪大学・環境共生セミナー
講師:本庄萌(長崎大学 環境科学部 准教授.専門分野:動物法、比較法)

KSM on gay gods, machines and melodramatic stories (squeezed between failed climate actions and carbon tax plans never realized) in front of a statue of in Zürich.

Túlélő csomag forró nyári napokra.
Survival kit for hot summer days.

