

kanageohis1964 さんがブースト
kanageohis1964 さんがブースト

今日の過去記事再放送は昨日の 宿成立に関連して書いた余録など。この時に江戸時代や明治時代の災害の状況を調べたことで、その後他の震災などの記録を追う様になりました。

【旧東海道】その14余録1 小田原・松原大明神で祀られた亀 kanageohis1964.blog.fc2.com/bl
【旧東海道】その14余録2 元禄地震・宝永地震・宝永大噴火と小田原 kanageohis1964.blog.fc2.com/bl
【旧東海道】その14補足:小田原大海嘯にまつわる史料2点 kanageohis1964.blog.fc2.com/bl


kanageohis1964 さんがブースト

#現代ビジネス #RSSfeed
プレートテクトニクスこそが、海底下生命の進化の原動力だった! 超好熱菌と酢酸の謎

kanageohis1964 さんがブースト



kanageohis1964 さんがブースト




>人間を殺すこともある危険な毒グモが出す毒はシチュエーションによって成分が変わるという研究結果 - GIGAZINE

kanageohis1964 さんがブースト

Pretty Puffin -

Due to their striking appearance, large colourful bill, waddling gait, and behaviour, Atlantic puffins have been given a number of endearing names including "clowns of the sea" and "sea parrots", and juvenile puffins may be called "pufflings"

#nature #birds #Wildlife #photography #NaturePhotography #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon

kanageohis1964 さんがブースト

A snowy egret (Egretta thula) in the Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge, San Francisco Bay. Not the green lore by the yes (yes I had to look this one up) apparently they can turn this shade during breeding season #birdphotography #birdphotographycommunity #naturephotography #Egret #naturebeauty #birdsofmastodon #Nikon #Z9 #Sigma #bird #birds #birdwatching #birding #nature #photography #DonEdwards #nikonphotgraphy

kanageohis1964 さんがブースト
kanageohis1964 さんがブースト
kanageohis1964 さんがブースト
kanageohis1964 さんがブースト

I saw these guys a LOT, but often just as a flash of blue, never to be seen again. This was one of a lovely pair that happily hunted the forest floor for small lizard, and fished little crustaceans and fingerlings out of the billabong. Forest Kingfisher, Litchfield National Park. #birds #birdphotography #nature

kanageohis1964 さんがブースト

Conjecture, but informed by my observations: An important reason for the spread of Egyptian geese here in Europe is that they're really good parents – always watching for danger, never straying too far from their chicks, honking at everything they're not 100% comfortable with.

#birding #birds #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #photography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #naturephotography

kanageohis1964 さんがブースト
kanageohis1964 さんがブースト
kanageohis1964 さんがブースト
kanageohis1964 さんがブースト

The daily dose of Northern Gannet. 2 versions of the same image. Original and crop.

I love Puffins, but Gannets are beautiful, just look at the feather definition and the blue eye ring.

[Ref: Handheld - 400mm f4.5 1/1000 second ISO 100]

#nature #birds #Wildlife #photography #NaturePhotography #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon

kanageohis1964 さんがブースト

Über den Dünen am #Nordstrand verläuft ein Holzsteg. Von dort hat man einen der schönsten Ausblicke über die #Nordsee. Jedesmal wenn ich dorthin wandere sag ich mir, nimm bloß nicht die Kamera mit, du fotografierst sonst noch einen #Sonnenuntergang. Na ja, ich kann mich ja diesmal mit dem Porträt der #Heringsmöwe rausreden.

Above the dunes on the north beach runs a wooden walkway. From there you have one of the most beautiful views over the North Sea. Every time I hike there I say to myself, do not take the camera with you, you photograph otherwise another #sunset. Well, I can talk myself out of it this time with the portrait of the herring #gull.

90mm, 1/2000s, f2,8, ISO 100

#Helgoland #Vogelfotografie #birdphotography #birdwatching #bird #birds #birding #animalwildlife
#wildlife #wildlifephotography #birdsofmastodon #sunset
#naturephotography #Natur #nature #photography #landscape #landschaft #closeup #portrait #porträt #darktable

