@noellabo Thanks! May I also ask some questions about your hashtag relay?
I am trying to setup a hashtag relay for my community.
1. Is selective-relay the same as hashtag relay? Is "hashtag only" filter hard coded in the code or should I use some config files to implement this?
2. If an instance admin has set AUTHORIZED_FETCH=true, will that instance work with the relay? I think the message from the instance may lack a linked-data signature.
@noellabo @noellabo Thanks! One more last question (sorry to bother you again):
There are lots of options for the hashtag relay. Am I supposed to manipulate the options in directly in redis?
For example, if I want to block a bad.com (a Mastodon instance), I should use redis-cli with command
SADD deny_domain:bad.com "bad.com@bad.com".
Is that correct?
@dmonad Some options are user configurable through the relayctl actor, but most are not yet implemented.
I know it's difficult to explain the options, but if you want to block at the relay's entrance (don't send to all servers), you can use redis-cli for
SET blocked_actor:bad.com@bad.com 1
If you only want to block transmissions to a specific server (fedibird.com), you can use
SADD deny_domain:fedibird.com bad.com
In some cases, the configuration is redis-cli with a hashtag relay.