崖からクルマを落としまくるぜヒャッハー! 米アラスカで行われた独立記念日を祝う奇祭が話題(1/2 ページ) - ねとらぼ https://nlab.itmedia.co.jp/nl/articles/2307/10/news157.html
r those without a pot to piss in, through the labyrinthine streets and pages of Jerusalem tread ghosts that sing of wealth and poverty; of Africa, and hymns, and our threadbare millennium. They discuss English as a visionary language from John Bunyan to James Joyce, hold forth on the illusion of mortality post-Einstein, and insist upon the meanest slum as Blake’s eternal holy city. Fierce in its imagining and stupefying in its scope this is the tale of everything, told from a vanished gutter. "引用終わり。
(続き)Fiends last mentioned in the second-century Book of Tobit wait in urine-scented stairwells, the delinquent spectres of unlucky children undermine a century with tunnels, and in upstairs parlours labourers with golden blood reduce fate to a snooker tournament. An opulent mythology fo(続く)
あと、About Jerusalemっていう章で述べられている、本作自体の紹介文がとても好き。
"In the half a square mile of decay and demolition that was England’s Saxon capital, eternity is loitering between the firetrap tower blocks. Embedded in the grubby amber of the district’s narrative among its saints, kings, prostitutes, and derelicts a different kind of human time is happening, a soiled simultaneity that does not differentiate between the petrol-coloured puddles and the fractured dreams of those who navigate them. (続く)
書いたもの一覧 - 忘れないために書きます https://clementiae.hatenablog.com/entry/2024/05/03/234934 まとめてみると2022年からは1年に1作のペースで書いていることがわかる。ビクトル・エリセよりは多作。
大戸又さん主宰のアーバンファンタジーアンソロジー『Neverland, Neighborhood』に参加しました。
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