
折角文字数に余裕のある (マストドン)なので、なるべくちゃんと「」にしてはいかがでしょうね。(あくまで個人の感覚です念の為)

そう言えば、相当する日本語はないのか? 単身母?


@yukari リプライ嬉しいです 🙏

そうですね、ワーママも… 五十歩百歩…?


でも今はどちらかというと「適切な日本語表現」の方に関心があるかもです :ablobcatwink:


This is such an interesting topic. I wonder why there hasn't been a word or phrase that applies to one being a single female parent. I wish I knew if there was a Tagalog equivalent.

(Google Translate)これはとても興味深いトピックです。片親である女性に当てはまる言葉やフレーズがないのはなぜだろうか。


I don't know, because the society never recognized them in the past?
Also English words are getting more and more common in Japanese so people have been using just "Single mother" in Japanese pronunciation.
There are many other concepts/words that doesn't exist in certain language/society though. Like "older brother/sister' and "younger brother/sister" in Japanese have its own words for each (ani/ane/imouto/otouto) but in English we have to specify.

I remember that in Tagalog, there are specific words for older sister, second oldest brother, etc. My dad's nickname is Diko, because he is the second eldest son, and his older brother is Kuya, for the same reason. Ate is oldest female child, but I don't recall if there is a similar word for second oldest sister. If there were, I'd be using it all the time!

@trishalynn @yukari

Good to know your interest, Trisha-san!

The only term came to my mind was 「未婚の母」(mikon no haha), meaning "a mother not yet married", which clearly is a way short of denoting a variety of situations for being a single female parent.

「母子家庭」(boshi katei), a family with a mother and her child(ren), may come next, which also failed for not meaning the mother herself... 😑

Without being an expert, I could easily imagine it has something to do with the moral about 'ideal of family' in Japan.

