
折角文字数に余裕のある (マストドン)なので、なるべくちゃんと「」にしてはいかがでしょうね。(あくまで個人の感覚です念の為)

そう言えば、相当する日本語はないのか? 単身母?


This is such an interesting topic. I wonder why there hasn't been a word or phrase that applies to one being a single female parent. I wish I knew if there was a Tagalog equivalent.

(Google Translate)これはとても興味深いトピックです。片親である女性に当てはまる言葉やフレーズがないのはなぜだろうか。


@trishalynn @yukari

Good to know your interest, Trisha-san!

The only term came to my mind was 「未婚の母」(mikon no haha), meaning "a mother not yet married", which clearly is a way short of denoting a variety of situations for being a single female parent.

「母子家庭」(boshi katei), a family with a mother and her child(ren), may come next, which also failed for not meaning the mother herself... 😑

Without being an expert, I could easily imagine it has something to do with the moral about 'ideal of family' in Japan.

