
🚨速報!コロンビア大学はガザでの大量虐殺に抗議するコロンビア大学の学生の抗議を鎮圧するために米軍を使うと脅迫 州兵がケント州立大学に派遣され、ベトナム戦争に抗議する学生たちの凶悪な虐殺を行ってから54年後コロンビア大学当局はガザでの大量虐殺に反対する学生の抗議運動を鎮圧


(引用されているThe People's Forumのツイート↓)

🚨BREAKING! Columbia University threatens to use US Military to Crush Columbia Student Protests Against Genocide on Gaza

54 years after the National Guard was deployed at Kent State and carried out the heinous massacre of students protesting the war in Vietnam, Columbia University administration is now threatening to bring the National Guard on campus to crush the student protests that are opposing the genocide in Gaza.


It is the height of irony that the Columbia University administration officials are echoing the calls of extreme right-wing republicans in Congress to use the US military to suppress the student movement at Columbia.

The efforts to intimidate, scare, and break the will of students demanding justice will not succeed. People all over the United States and indeed around the world salute the heroic stand taken by Columbia students and students at college campuses

