@yuril good tip
@unkerplus65 Oh wonder how did the translation read like 😂
@unkerplus65 Oh my...I'm amazed how BAD that machine translation still is in the era of AI and robots! We still have a loooooooong way before human translators lose their jobs completely! 😂 😂 😂
@unkerplus65 Here is the DeepL version. OK, at least this one does make some senses, and have some proper structure.
@yuril well mine's 8yrs old (girl at that!) so long way for me to find the balance
@unkerplus65 Well you got plenty of time to do that! As for me, I let them dictate which school they want to go, whether they want to have tuition or not, and what subjects they want to follow. And they are now 21 and 18, so it's time for me to set them totally free. And I'm glad that the time has finally come! 😆
@yuril again, congratulations!
@unkerplus65 again, Thank you!
子供の人生は、子供本人の、個人の人生だよ。親として出来ることは、彼らが無事巣立ちして、ちゃんと自分自身の翼で自分自身が飛んでいきたい所へ行けるまでちゃんと成長して、自分の人生を生きていってくれること。これ以上の親孝行なんて他に何もないと思うんだけどな。少なくとも、私はそう思ってる。息子たちには、大人になったら、親がいなくなっても元気に自分の空を自由にどこまでも飛んでいっていける大人になってほしい。ただ、それだけ。それだけで十二分。#ひとりごと #親として思う事 #Fedibird