
"That's a nice dog. It's a purebred with a pedigree, right? It must have been expensive to buy," an elderly gentleman said, giving me a strange compliment.

I got a message about an upcoming Google Meet session to explain the employee stock ownership plan, inviting those interested to join. But I couldn't help but think, aren't employees living in Japan unable to buy shares in the parent company?

In the JR lines of the Tokyo metropolitan area, wearing more than five sprays of perfume per person before boarding has been mandated.

We should actively promote the campaign to eliminate American men of the professorial type residing in Japan.


When I turned on the TV and saw Dr. James Farrer from Sophia University introducing Nishi-Ogikubo, I immediately switched it off. I thought, "Here we go again with another show where they get a foreigner who knows Japan well to introduce something, making it seem like a new discovery.

Today at my regular Starbucks, I noticed a few foreigners, and the scent of deodorant and perfume made me feel like my presence was less noticeable, which I thought was a good thing.

