
When I turned on the TV and saw Dr. James Farrer from Sophia University introducing Nishi-Ogikubo, I immediately switched it off. I thought, "Here we go again with another show where they get a foreigner who knows Japan well to introduce something, making it seem like a new discovery.

We should actively promote the campaign to eliminate American men of the professorial type residing in Japan.

as far as I know anyone who has ever worn a fedora is out. I don’t expect any special treatment. Now is the time for you to start working on your Chinese language skills. You might also like their perfume.

well at least start working on your Chinese language skills for when you switch jobs to enhance your career prospects.

given your propensity for petroleum based “ethical” perfume, Florida may soon be entirely submerged underwater and the highlands of Alaska may be prime beachfront property in the coming years 🏖 🦈

Couldn't South Florida potentially evolve into a stunning array of underwater cities?

have you considered a career in marine biology? I’m not sure how sharks view perfume though! 🦈 🧪

