
Zechariah 8:3

Adonai says, "I am returning to Tziyon, and I will live in Yerushalayim. Then Yerushalayim will be called Truth City, Adonai-Tzva’ot’s Mountain, the Mountain of the Holy One."

It is already well known that with just 3 million yen, one can utilize the Tokyo gubernatorial election for cost-effective publicity in the country's largest city, making this election more chaotic than ever.

If I had run for Tokyo governor, I could have made unique political and religious appeals. However, the challenge would have been my inability to compete with the financial resources and operational capabilities of the major candidates in terms of plastering posters across Tokyo.

The Nuclear Fusion Party is dedicated to enhancing global prosperity through the development of various nuclear fusion technologies.


For about 15 years, Pew Research Center has conducted regional studies of religion around the world. We *just* released our final study in this series. It's a fascinating survey of religion & spirituality in East Asia:

There was someone giving out newspapers at the station, so I grabbed one, and it turned out to be "Akahata(Red Flag)," the official paper of the Japanese Communist Party.

To lift my spirits today, I'll spritz perfume ten times before boarding the train!

