気温上昇が止まっても、氷床融解と海面上昇は数千年先後、1万年後の世代に影響を与えます。温暖化を止めても、その影響は止まりません。⇒「終末の氷河」のはるか下を調査、壊滅的な海面上昇招く可能性 国際研究チーム https://www.cnn.co.jp/fringe/35224149.html #気候変動 #環境正義
I like peaceful places and calm moments.
At first, it seems like a statement so obvious that it's silly to even make it, but there are, there must be, a number of people who enjoy mayhem, violence, fear, destruction, to the point that peaceful places and calm moments send them into a panic.
It would be good if they found a place of peace and calm in which to think.
Twilight Surf framed print -- https://2-steve-henderson.pixels.com/featured/twilight-surf-steve-henderson.html?product=framed-print
#mastoart #fediart #nature #art #artwork #buyintoart #ocean #sea #travel
国産飲料水に変えれば所得増? 小泉進次郎氏、海外産購入に異論 https://www.smartnews.com/ja-jp/article/4728226317349169494?placement=article-preview-social&utm_source=share_android_other&utm_campaign=sn_lid:4728226317349169494|sn_channel:cr_ja_politics
何言ってんだボンボンは…。誰に向けて言ってんの? 富裕層? 浮世離れしすぎやろ…。
Aurora Borealis -- Bat-Signal edition 🦇 !
#aurora #AuroraBorealis #astrophotography #Space #AstroDon #astronomy #NorthernLights #BatSignal
📷 :https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/1fh6rj0/the_aurora_30_minutes_ago_above_my_house_in_north/