Spiegel@予備系 さんがブースト

たとえば、 ChatGPT に問いを投げて返ってきた答えが本当に正しいか自力で調べさせるってのをやれば、めちゃめちゃ教育的なツールになるんじゃないだろうか。




はっ、ひょっとして「AIが書きやすい言語」て Lisp か Haskell ?


思うのだが、本当に AI がプログラムを書く時代になったら、人間向きにチューニングされてる既存言語は不要だよね。「AI が書きやすい言語」で書いて、人間はそのサマリを受け取ればいいんだから

Spiegel@予備系 さんがブースト

Go言語の一行入力パッケージ nyaosorg/go-readline-ny を複数行対応にするラッパーパッケージ:go-multiline-ny を作成しました。

Enter をただの改行入力、Ctrl+Enter を入力確定に変更するので、SQL やチャットメッセージの入力などに適しています。

hymkor/go-multiline-ny: Readline package supporting multi-lines github.com/hymkor/go-multiline

Spiegel@予備系 さんがブースト


>go-readline-ny でマルチライン編集 - 標準愚痴出力 zetamatta.hatenablog.com/entry

Spiegel@予備系 さんがブースト

Holy shit! The #Flickr API team is still alive!

After a decade(?) of stagnation, it looks like they're going to be making some changes.


Spiegel@予備系 さんがブースト
Spiegel@予備系 さんがブースト

I'm starting to learn Go. At work we're splitting out some parts of our architecture into a few microservices, and our Chief Architect decided we should write them in Go, instead of our usual PHP.

I've been enjoying learning it. It's been a long time since I've really tried to learn a completely new thing (as opposed to a new framework or whatever).

As a project to get myself into this, I've been thinking about building my own Fediverse server in go. Architecturally, I want it to be a lot like microblogpub, which I currently use. I actually want to be able to have a clear migration from one to the other.

Like microblogpub, my new project (which I'm tentatively calling gopub) will be a single user instance, intended to be easily hosted on your own computer, with a fairly simple sqlite database, and focused on broad ActivityPub and IndieWeb compatibility.

But I've got some ideas for a few features that I haven't seen elsewhere.

For example, I was thinking it might be cool to have alternate handles for a single user, to only follow certain things. E.g., if I'm user@fedi.tld, and somebody wants to follow me, but not see any boosts from others, instead of following user@fedi.tld, maybe they instead follow user+noboost@fedi.tld. Or, if they only want to follow my posts that include a particular hashtag, they can follow user+tag-tagname@fedi.tld.

Similarly, a single user with multiple handles would be nice. I think Friendica has this, but I'm considering including it in my project as well.

And one thing I really want to add is location check-in. Basically, the Fediverse equivalent of Foursquare. ActivityPub already has the vocabulary for this, but I haven't seen it implemented anywhere.

I'm still at the very, very early stages. Who knows if I'll ever get it in a usable state. And I'm working on it during my extremely limited free time. But I'm excited to start a new project.

#NewProject #Golang #Programming #ActivityPub

Spiegel@予備系 さんがブースト
Spiegel@予備系 さんがブースト

go-readline-ny 、マルチライン編集(Enter でただの改行、Shift+Enter で送信)機能をつけようかと思ったが、別にパッケージ本体を改造しなくても、呼び出し元でどうとでも対応できる話だったー

ただし、Shift+Enter に機能をアサインする方法が知られてないと思うので、文書で書いた方がよいかも

Spiegel@予備系 さんがブースト




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