"When the rich rob the poor it's called business, when the poor fight back it's called violence"
Poster spotted in Brunswick, Melbourne
Due to the fact that Ricky Gervais' jokes could be just as unjustifiably offensive as those told by conservative comedians, I was hesitant to click it when I saw his face on the cover.
After all, last time I clicked to check one of alt-right entrepreneur Nishimura Hiroyuki’s recent tweets insulting antiwar activists in Japan, Twitter decided I might love to join his young and right-leaning followers, and started to torture me with notifications about his new tweets for a whole fucking month.
This time I clicked anyway...
U.S. Police kill more than 1100 civilians annually—unprecedented in the developed world.
A new app called TurnSignl, built by Black civil rights lawyers, deescalates police interactions with civilians & get everyone home safe.
Here's how it works.
1. Download the app
2. When pulled over by police, face time a lawyer on demand via voice activation. The call is also auto recorded
3. The lawyer guides the convo.
Download TurnSignl here or gift it to a loved one for free: https://www.turnsignl.com/gift
[台灣高等教育產業工會] 【大學快報第367期】臺灣書院,華語戰略?別鬧了! https://www.theunion.org.tw/2022/12/【大學快報第367期】臺灣書院,華語戰略?別鬧了/
Hate to see journalists on their knees in supplication to Musk, begging him to not be so mean to them. The implication is that if he reverses course -- restoring accounts of reporters he doesn't like, and links to the competition -- all will be well.
This totally ignores reality. He has demonstrated again and again that lies and deceit are tools of his trade.
Journalists, please get out now, or soon. Don't help him.
Taiwanese people:
Easily triggered when being called Chinese, but cannot care less when the distinctions between Persians/Arabs or Bamar/Lao are explained to them in plain language.
Virtually unable to put themselves in someone else's shoes. Well-mannered and self-centered at the same time.
Are they easy to get along with? Yes. Do I enjoy their company? No.
其實啊,民進黨跟國民黨,除了國家認同跟國族意識相對立,絕大多數的立場跟主張都重疊,只是兩群分別守護資產階級不同陣營既得利益的孿生右翼罷了。lesser evil 誠然要比 greater evil 來得好,但請問 lesser evil 真的 good enough 嗎?標準放這麼低,真的 ok 嗎?
上個月還是上上個月,某一集アメトーーク揭露了キャイ〜ン的兩人感情非常好,是那種上個通告剛錄完,兩人才分開沒 20 分鐘,天野就會接到鈴木打來的肉麻電話表達各種感謝跟關懷的如膠似漆程度。
都已經在演藝圈混了 30 年,這種情比金堅的程度真的太驚人了。
QT: https://g0v.social/@zonble/109425759607755461 [参照]
Hate to say that but, similar news coverage full of this time-to-rejoice-and-overrate-ourselves-over-insignificant-stuff-again bullshit, which overshadows what really matters, has been all the rage here in Taiwan for quite some years too. Definitely not a coincidence.
QT: https://mstdn.jp/@sssugita/109401899772894022 [参照]
I hate municipal elections in Taiwan.
Here in Taipei, every candidate across the political spectrum claims they will speed up demolition of old apartments and construction of new ones. But they all shun the fact that, after years of out-of-hand speculative real estate transactions, rents for new housing are now 60%~200% higher than what landlords are charging for aged properties, which have already been overwhelmingly expensive.
I am slowly forced into homelessness. My vote won’t save me.
If I had all the time in the world, weekly trombone lessons and daily ambidexterity trainings would make it all the way to the top of my to-do list. Finally.
"Workers of the world, know your true oppressors."
* activism
* テレビドラマ
* labor rights
* ソウルミュージック
* Tom Clancy's The Division 2
* ジャズトロンボーン
* hate crimes deserve worse
* 懐かしい昭和時代
* marine mammals deserve better
* 腹筋女子腹筋男子
* Cuba and Palestine Forever