Racial caricature
I found a copy of Bill Hume's cartoons "Babysan: A Private Look At The Japanese Occupation" on ebay. It includes a set of highly sexualized racial caricatures of Japanese women in relationship with US soldiers in occupied Japan. Scanned & posted to IA:
The work screams for context and critique. Fortunately, there is a fantastic essay by Kim Brandt that serves as a great first stop:
Racial caricature
これは現在の日本ではほぼ忘れられていますが、当時は高見順が取り上げたことが切っ掛けでいろいろと反響があったらしいです。 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babysan
QT: https://social.coop/@konrad/109566391337669832 [参照]