I bookmark the information about books, TV drama ,or movie which were introduced in mastodon. Thank you for tooting them...🙏
@kyon_0620 なるほど〜。確かに完全に半分にするのではなくてそういう分け方もいいかもしれませんね!いい機会なので改めて色々話し合ってみます👍
@kyon_0620 そうなんですね!家賃とか水道代電気ガス代等種々の支払いをどうしようかと・・私も働いていますし(今はアルバイトですが)まだ結婚していないので彼に全部払ってもらうのもよくないなと・・
@kyon_0620 ありがとうございます!
I wonder if I should separate accounts to toot about sexual life with my partner, my mental problem, or social problem, and to toot in English. But I decide to toot them in this account because these things are inseparable and important for me.
@kyon_0620 私のその方と話してて泣きそうになりました。頑張って欲しいです・・!
When I walked around Shinkansen station, a Southeast Asian girl talked to me. She showed me a message card written by hand in Japanese, "I'm an international student studying caregiving. I sell sweet treats to earn academic fee." I bought some chocolates. She said to me," I hope many good things will happen to you." I was impressed so much, because I have never listened such a kind word in Japan. I hope many many good things will happen to her.
@_cicatrici_1144 美容室の方がびっくりされなければ大丈夫じゃないでしょうか…!😂 どうなったか気になります!
@wiletha I mean, there are many feminists who say "trans female is danger" in Japanese twitter. (My favorite artists don't say that...I apologize to you for my Japanese toot)
But I know how you feel. Recently, a Japanese TV scriptwriter made a belittling comment for non-Japanese speaker. Although I was watching the drama written by the scriptwriter, I stopped watch it. I think the works and the author are inseparable...even if the works are great.
(I hope my English make sense...)
@yakumi_kienai そうだったんですね!フェミニストの中にもトランスを排除したり差別したりする人たちがいて、Twitterのフェミの方だとすごく多い印象で、怖いんですよね・・。それを見たシスヘテロの人がさらにトランスヘイトに染まっていくという・・
@yakumi_kienai トランス排除的フェミニスト(TERF)でした。大文字で書くべきでしたね・・すみません💦
I’m Pon. I’m a Japanese cisgender woman. I have a transman partner. I’m interested in LGBTQ+ and mental health. I’m studying English.