
It's painful, especially if you have begun to like someone or admire their work. I used to love the Harry Potter books for instance. I thought the gender politics was a bit backward, but the adventures were exciting and the characters were engrossing and often funny. Now I can't read them. I try to separate them from their author but I can't. Maybe one day.

@wiletha I mean, there are many feminists who say "trans female is danger" in Japanese twitter. (My favorite artists don't say that...I apologize to you for my Japanese toot)

But I know how you feel. Recently, a Japanese TV scriptwriter made a belittling comment for non-Japanese speaker. Although I was watching the drama written by the scriptwriter, I stopped watch it. I think the works and the author are inseparable...even if the works are great.
(I hope my English make sense...)

@wiletha I want to talk about these things with you and other English people. Thank you for your comment! I try to toot in English more.

I am very grateful to you but I know it must be hard writing in a foreign language. Your English is very good. I try my best to understand your Japanese toots too. Sometimes the machine translation works better, sometimes it’s hopeless. I only understand a little Japanese.

@wiletha Thank you for your concern. To toot in English is good training for me. Writing in English require time but it also has my value. I just worry about not making sense in my English… Please be my English teacher!😂 I would like to talk about various things with you!

