縱觀台灣的重大修法過程,有一個反覆出現的狀況,要真的”over someone’s dead body”,才能夠真正推進,為人權翻過艱難的一頁。鄧如雯促進《家庭暴力防治法》,彭婉如促成《性侵害犯罪防治法》,葉永鋕則帶來《兩性平等教育法》。
Today I launch "The Conscious Stream". An audio stream of ambient sounds mixed with binaural beats ro help with creativity. Plug your headphones in and hit play
One of my favorite photographers. Always a thrill.
Cars, bars and burger joints: William Eggleston’s iconic America – in pictures https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2022/nov/22/cars-bars-and-burger-joints-william-egglestons-iconic-america-in-pictures
You see, painting has become, all art has become, a game by which man distracts himself. And you may say it has always been like that, but now it's entirely a game. What is fascinating is that's going to become much more difficult for the artist, because he must really deepen the game to be any good at all, so that he can make life a bit more exciting..."
"Also, man now realizes that he is an accident, that he is a completely futile being, that he has to play out the game without reason. I think that even when Velasquez was painting, even when Rembrandt was painting, they were still, whatever their attitude to life, slightly conditioned by certain types of religious possibilities, which man now, you could say, has had cancelled out for him.
Zygmunt Bauman: “Social media are a trap”
The Polish-born sociologist is skeptical about the possibilities for political change
#UPDATE Germany's players covered their mouths during the team photo before their #WorldCup2022 opener against Japan on Wednesday in an apparent protest over FIFA's refusal to allow rainbow-themed armbands
Violent protests have broken out around Foxconn's vast iPhone factory in central China, as workers clashed with security personnel over pay and living conditions at the plant
Russia’s regime is preparing its young for future wars in a serious way – and they’re using clever digital strategies to make war look fun.
fedibird.comとnightly.fedibird.com(Fedibird運営のサーバ群)で共有している #fedibird タグは、
一つには、サーバの様々な情報提供目的ですね。メンテとか新機能とか。こちらは今後 #fedibird_info もつけていきます。
もう一つは、@info のbioの
> 自己紹介、ちょっとした質問がありましたら、コミュニティタグ #fedibird のタイムラインを参照して、ハッシュタグをつけて投稿してください。
https://fedibird.com/@info/103667944229265411 の
> 誰かに気付いてもらって、フォローを増やしたり、とっかかりを見つけたい方もおられるかと思います。
> その場合は #fedibird というハッシュタグをつけて、挨拶や質問などを投稿してみてください。
広く公開されていて、誰でもちょっと様子を窺ったり質問することができる、オープンな場所になります。 [参照]
#旺中集團 跨國跨平台文本分析
1️⃣ 台灣選舉在微博傳播熱度,旺中佔 6 成
2️⃣ 拉高特定候選人整體熱度
3️⃣ 在 YouTube 集中強化特定候選人,程度高於其他平台
4️⃣ 蔣萬安、黃珊珊、張善政微博熱度明顯高於 Facebook
5️⃣ 侯友宜非優先提及人選
For Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the soccer team’s defeat of Argentina caps a triumphant moment on the world stage. The controversial royal was given pride of place at the World Cup’s opening ceremonies. He was spotted there wearing a maroon Qatari scarf during the host nation’s defeat to Ecuador — an act of fraternal support that would have stunned onlookers only a few years ago when Saudi Arabia led a regional boycott and blockade of Qatar.
Kavinsky - Outrun (2013)
Genre: Synthwave
Rating: ★★★★★
Madelene wasn't that excited when she opened the package. But when she heard the album for the first time, she got pumped. How can anyone not? This is one of the best albums of the 2010s. An album so important it coined a new genre. There's a reason one of its songs was featured in the title screen of the movie Drive. But the whole album is just banger after banger of cinematic synth. Outrun indeed.