
久しぶりに新しいカメラがやってきました。ちっさくて軽くてなかなか良いです(まだ設定よくわかってない)。なんかちょうどいいストラップがあるといいなあ。 撮ってるのは

I got new camera, EOS R8.

I just start to use this camera. Small and light weight are really good points. At this point I do not have RF lens (use EF lens with adapter) so I will review after I got my RF lens.

My previous camera was EOS 6D with EF lens. Comparing with 6D + same lens (50 mm F1.8 and Tamron 90 macro), image is higher resolution and clear.(of course!)

Color of EVF and shutter sound are little bit funny for me (different image from LCS)but many people worry little about these features.
If you need anti-shake function, try R6.

