
@abraxas *guy who saw baseball one time* uh so who is the magician and who is the clown in this uh scenario

"Crimes are illegal and I don't recommend them" = skill issue

Getting anti-porn conservatives in the porn industry so they can reform it from the inside.

australopithacus was right, climbing trees IS fun

We can't let scout have a fat ass in line with his running power because that opens the door to having spy get a fat ass, which would totally ruin the class as the slap of his asscheeks would alert the opposing team.

guy who uses PowerPoint presentations to jack off to a series of hentai images suddenly realises that this next work meeting is going to be a challenge

I hate to do this but I'm a queer poc and there are only 47 Lamborghinis in my Lamborghini account after radio shack did not go to the moon. I can't drive up here in the holywood hills. Please donate fuel units so I can achieve my drears.

Getting all my bone knowledge from tanontologists is how I decolonize academia

@abraxas biden apology for handing it to isis because of persuasive sign incoming

infinite allypoints glitch. Just because you invent a slur doesn't mean you have to use them.

By avoiding more and more slurs thats passive income baby

@RiotLinguistics Usually im like twitter kurds is great but there's another invasion so

Yo mama so negligent her dick game renders her criminally responsible for what follows

@abraxas Okay so the team may have seen your ass picking up the hanger and it is a known fact that one cannot win a game with ass on the mind.

All is not lost, though, because you can still change minds out there.

If we did it for harambe we can do it for the mariners.

