I'm pretty sure that the Mariners Path To Sucess in tonight's big game is that I act as normal as possible and don't do anything weird or incorrect in front of my coworkers like drop the hanger on the ground like I already did

Skip Bayless: big night for these mariners, big chance to seize the momentum and make some serious gains against a team that could be serious trouble down the line this year. What would You say is the number one thing this team can do to stay on top tonight?
Stephen A Smith: I'm GLAD you asked skip. I think, I think the NUMBER ONE thing these mariners can do, is make sure team store employee Valerie Serac ID number 14082, acts as regular and human as humanly possible


@abraxas Okay so the team may have seen your ass picking up the hanger and it is a known fact that one cannot win a game with ass on the mind.

All is not lost, though, because you can still change minds out there.

If we did it for harambe we can do it for the mariners.

