AI generated images always make my skin crawl because they're always slightly off, often in the subtle way of people being a little too "perfect" according to some western ideal. The smiles and eyes are always a bit too large. It's uncanny.

So I'm asking other lefties to stop using them in their posts advertising events or actions, or just generally trying to show some idea. We don't always need images, and certainly not when it boils to oceans to make them.


@hakan_geijer the water aspect is more of a data center in general problem than one specific to ai. 75% of water consumption of a data center comes from the electricity consumption and the remaining parts from water cooling are a result of placing centers in places with cheap electricity - like sunny deserts. It's a trade off of water consumption and carbon footprint. Which contextually speaking is less usage than agriculture, especially almond farming. For small desert towns hosting a center is a big issue.

