@splitshockvirus My home network is having trouble, and I can only access it at limited times. Stressful!

I'm sorry to hear that, I hope your network gets restored. If you have time I'd like to ask you a few questions regarding fedibird. I just recently compiled it for this instance.

@splitshockvirus I may not be able to reply right away, but please ask questions. I can even have answers ready while I'm offline!

I understand that you are a small project and I do appreciate your work on fedibird and if you are not able to provide and answer for my use case that is fine. :cirno_smile:

My instance was previously running 4.1.0 mastodon and I just now compiled fedibird. My question: Is it actually possible to downgrade between these version? I am noticing a bunch of 500 errors for parts of the interface, as well as some errors in my journactl. Is there anything I can do to fix these? 🙏

I'm looking at one of the issues in the github, it's probably not possible to go back this far in versions, there is a database table that was removed in version 3.5.3 that 3.4.1.

I'll try moving back to 4.1.0 to see if there was any damage, and if so I have a snapshot of the instance.

Anyways really cool fork dude this interface is awesome I might host one in the future :cirno_smile:


@splitshockvirus Fedibird's code is currently based between Mastodon v3.4.1 and v3.5. There is a working v4.0 based branch, but not all features are implemented yet. Please wait for the completion of this.

I think it would be difficult to downgrade from v4.1 because the difference is large.

By the way, my home network will be restored today. Yay!

Glad to hear that your network is back up. And thank you for the information I'll wait for the 4.0 patch.

Cheers :cirno_smile:

