Please remember to add text descriptions to images, audio and video posts, to make them accessible to blind and deaf users.

You can add descriptions to an attachment by clicking "Edit" on the website, or by typing directly on top of the attachment on the official app.

Describe both visuals and audio (if present).

Also, use CamelCase on hashtags (where the first letter of every word is capitalised). This allows screen readers to say each word aloud correctly.

See also:

thanks for the tip. Another question, roughly how many seconds of video can I upload. On twitter it's capped at two minutes twenty seconds - does Mastodon have an equivalent cap?

The only cap is file size, so in theory it can be any length as long as the quality is low enough to fit within the limit.

The limit is 40 megabytes by default, but I think servers can change that if they want?

More info at:

thank you! So, as a resident of, I need to ask


@MrEFinch @feditips @stux Mastodon has a public API where you can check their maximum size.

Can you see the video_size_limit and the supported formats enumerated?

