在英语世界,由于埃隆-马斯克收购了Twitter,很多用户都在关注Mastodon,而在中文世界,我们听说在微博决定迫使该公司公开其IP地址之后,很多人都迁移到Mastodon或创建备用账户。 此后的情况如何?

from my observation, the Chinese community in Mastodon get more active recently. Many Chinese servers get a lot of new users, and I notice I can see Chinese post in public timeline of non Chinese servers more often.


@libei There is a real sense of an increase in Chinese users. fedibird.com is a Japanese server, but of the 150 users it added recently, more than 100 appear to be Chinese.


Maybe one reason is because fedibird.com haven’t been blocked by GFW. Users in China are not very easy to use Mastodon, the biggest two Chinese servers are blocked by GFW.

