

@Gargron This post arrived on the timeline four hours late, so I thought there was something wrong. However, no one was following Eugen (Personal) on fedibird.com, so I think it arrived with a boost. sorry!

Is there something going on with queues in general? QOTO has been horribly backlogged today and waiting on a reset.. is this a pervasive problem? Is someone attacking random masto servers or something?

Well, the grandparent turned out to be a false alarm. I’m not experiencing any issues. What’s backlogged on your end? What version?

We finally figured out. a bad relay was erroring out and causing our backlog to fill up which was already processing fairly close to its limit. disabled the relay and increased the parallelism on our end and its fixed now.

thanks anyway though.

I had that issue too. I saw a bunch of announce activities from twitiverse.com, but I didn't bother with investigating further as it went away after a few hours.

