
@saramg@mastodon.technology I don't know the client integrated with giphy.

:tootle: tootle is a well-balanced client with excellent usability. Full text search uses external services.

:tootoise: tootoise is an excellent client who cares about browsing and preventing accidental operations. Use the standard full-text search function.

StarPterano looks strange, but is the client with the most features. No full-text search, just account and hashtag.

#Tootoise is not available in the American iOS store. Do you happen to know the dev and want to ask them if they would like to make it available for users out side of Japan? would be happy to help with translations etc


@liaizon Oh I see!

@manamimic @nao Tootoiseって日本のストアにしか対応してなかったんですね。海外版、作れませんかね……?
QT: social.wake.st/@liaizon/103416

Liaizon Wakest  
@noellabo #Tootoise is not available in the American iOS store. Do you happen to know the dev and want to ask them if they would like to make it av...

any update on getting #Tootoise into the US App Store? do we need any help on this front?

Hmm. We can't respond immediately because we need to change the source code in addition to translation. Please wait patiently for some more time.

thank you for your reply! no rush I was just following up. Let me know if there is anything I can help with. If you have a git repo or a crowdin that would be cool too!

