Mikanniko さんがブースト

Very troubling: A Swedish newspaper reports that at least 30 Chinese doctoral students at Swedish universities had to agree to “serve the interests of the regime” and “never participate in ‘activities’ that go against the will of the authorities." There is also a requirement that the student’s guarantor, likely a relative, cannot leave China for an extended period while the student is abroad, and that there is a financial penalty for students who contradict the agreement. thepienews.com/news/chinese-st

Mikanniko さんがブースト

The Editors body urges the government to scrap the proposal saying it 'will result in the censorship of the press'.
India’s top editors’ body slams proposed fake news rules

Mikanniko さんがブースト

Season 6 of my Introduction to Security class on Twitch

1. Thursday, January 26th: Packet Analysis Using Wireshark
2. Thursday, February 2nd: Basic Reconnaissance using Ping, Netcat, Nmap, and SHODAN
3. Thursday, February 9th: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks and Scapy feat John Hammond
4. Thursday, February 16th: Password Cracking with John the Ripper
5. Thursday, March 2nd: SQL Injection and Web Proxies
6. Thursday, March 9th: Vulnerability Scanning, Exploitation, Badness-O-Meter
7. Thursday, April 6th: Really, Really Bad Code and Static Analysis
8. Thursday, April 13 Malware, Backdoors, Using VirusTotal
9. Thursday, April 20th: Basic Forensics
10. Thursday, April 27th: Lessons Not Learned

All shows at 4:30 PM EST twitch.tv/mchow01

Mikanniko さんがブースト

Remember seeing in the news that Microsoft 365 is illegal in Germany?

If that left you scratching your head like I was, this interview is for you!


Mikanniko さんがブースト

Three campaigners from Kashmir, Chad, and Venezuela win the Martin Ennals Award with the jury hailing their 'courage'.
Khurram Pervez: Jailed Kashmir activist awarded top rights prize

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Mikanniko さんがブースト

Security Onion Documentation printed book now updated for Security Onion 2.3.200!

Thanks to for the inspiring foreword!

Proceeds go to Rural Tech Fund!


Mikanniko さんがブースト
Mikanniko さんがブースト
Mikanniko さんがブースト

The gov't has agreed to toughen the Online Safety Bill with jail sentences for tech bosses for failing to protect kids.
Tech bosses could face jail as UK gov’t backs down on online harm

Mikanniko さんがブースト

The first video is pitched for adults and runs 10 minutes. You can also find it on the Vox News network. The 2nd video is about 4 min and was created for a younger audience. I don't judge which is better for you. Absorb whichever one you can. 3/4
Vox: youtu.be/I9w841nrIBg
Project Nia: youtu.be/bT0YpOmk8NA
#BlackMastodon #BlackFediverse #BlackTwitter #BLM #PoliceViolence

Mikanniko さんがブースト



公開範囲部分を personal にすると自分限定になりますね。




:mastodon_oops: [参照]

Mikanniko さんがブースト

You know who's already indexing Mastodon posts?


You know who I wouldn't like to see gain a foothold into the Fediverse?


Mikanniko さんがブースト

Incredibly important new report by my colleagues on Iran's "legal interception" mobile system citizenlab.ca/2023/01/uncoveri

" If implemented fully as envisioned in the documents we reviewed, it would enable state authorities to directly monitor, intercept, redirect, degrade or deny all Iranians’ mobile communications, including those who are presently challenging the regime."

Mikanniko さんがブースト

EXCLUSIVE: Saudi crown prince bragged that Jared Kushner gave him CIA intelligence about other Saudis saying 'here are your enemies' days before 'corruption crackdown' which led to torture and death



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It’s #CyberMentoringMonday!!!! Are you looking for a professional mentor or to learn more about InfoSec? Are you experienced and willing to ‘give back’? Use this thread and hashtag to connect!

Mikanniko さんがブースト

Many of you are probably familiar with my work to compile a list of all companies destroyed by a breach

I've decided to start a separate list to also document human deaths related to cybersecurity incidents.

Why create this list?

Even moreso than company failures, I predict this will be an area where we'll see myths run rampant while the facts struggle to keep up. Even more than company failures, I think it's important to accurately track this (which hopefully won't be a fast growing trend)

Why now?

There are a few distinct cases where deaths are alleged to be directly caused by cybersecurity attacks, and other indirect allegations. Enough to get started on a list and start investigating, but not so many that building a list would be too challenging or overwhelming.

Mikanniko さんがブースト

We can also break down warming between land and oceans. Land areas, where pretty much everyone lives, have been warming 50% faster than the world as a whole, and have seen closer to 1.8C warming since the preindustrial era:

Mikanniko さんがブースト

If you are in the US, please don't lose your job to climate activism! We need you! Climate activism is becoming less necessary. ~90% of Dem and even ~60% of GOP voters already think that we should take much stronger action on climate change.


Increasing those numbers to 95% and 80% still won't make a difference if politicians won't act.

Helping more Black folk vote will have a bigger impact than an awareness demonstration that could cost you your job.

Push left.

Mikanniko さんがブースト

If "let's expect a different result from the same politicians" were going to work, it would have worked already. 🤷🏿‍♂️

Get better politicians.

The problem of getting politicians to act on climate change isn't as hard as we are making it for ourselves. It's only this hard if we're trying to change politicians' minds, instead of trying to change politicians.

