@Peppermint_2525 現実が冗談に限りなく近づいてますからね🙄
@Peppermint_2525 理由もなく凍結なんですか?それはひどいですね。
@Peppermint_2525 びっくりしましたよ。こちらでつながっていてよかった。復活できるといいですね。
@Rachel_Thorn hi a while a go you were asking good books for your daughter. I saw Lisa Bunker presentation of her book Rachel Levine a trans general, it’s for young people and thought May be suika hime can enjoy and learn. Lmk if you are interested. It’s an advanced copy, it’ll be published on Tuesday!
@TrinityNYC 腹ただしいですね!ナタの方の人がよっぽど暴力的な嘘垂れ流してるのに!
@mikako_hoshi いい笑顔😍
@Rachel_Thorn yap your existence itself is a role model for some kids. Wish I can meet you in person and hang around. Actually I want to chill with your suika hime as she’s a great artist 👍🏼
@Rachel_Thorn yea I came to Japan each year during pandemic and Japanese entry policy changed each time. 2020 was you take PCR prior to getting on board and antigens test at Narita then 2 weeks of self quarantine. 2021 was PCR plus antigen test but 10 days of quarantine. 2022 (after Nov) no PCR nor antigen test nor quarantine as long as you have 3 shots. Having booster doesn’t guarantee no positive result 🙄 as I got COVID in June.
@Rachel_Thorn the requirement stopped in mid June. I mean Japan doesn’t require it either if you have booster shots except from China. So you are mingling with potential positive ppl.
@YoWatShiinaEsq I read it and enjoyed reading. Some ppl had a hard time jumping different episodes but I had no problem.
@mika_regan Bravo for thoughtfulness and knowing your tastes! Merry Christmas ㊗️
@mika_regan 綺麗なグラデーション😍
@mika_regan 家庭内労働者が2人増えたので家事は任せましょう!delegation!
I think it's cool how Twitter falling apart has revealed some of the coolest bugs I have ever heard of https://twitter.com/kurtwagner8/status/1603829406073380864?s=61&t=mNqLnByWtZ1qb_YWcA644w
観劇、スポーツ観戦、美術展が好きです。ぼちぼちランナーでもあります。Love theatre, baseball, basketball, football, running and travel. My dream trip would be running in AM, going to a day game, and attend a theatre at night. #Broadway #Theatre #Musical #Running #Baseball #NBA #SFGiants #Bookreader #Reading #BookLover #Knitter #Crochet #Amigurumi #スポーツ観戦 #ランニング #野球 #ブロードウェイミュージカル #ミュージカル #観劇 #編み物 #あみぐるみ #オーディオブック #Audiobook #gender #progressive #liberal #allied