
マインツがエル・ガジ解雇 イスラエル・ハマス衝突めぐる投稿で

- 私はすべての罪のない民間人の殺害に反対します
- 私はイスラム恐怖症に反対です
- 私は大量虐殺に反対です
- 私はアパルトヘイトに反対です
- 私は占領に反対です
- 私は弾圧に反対します
過去3週間にガザで3,500人以上の子供たちが殺害されたことを正当化することは決してできない。慈善団体「セーブ・ザ・チルドレン」によれば、ガザでは10分に1人の子供が殺されているという状況で、世界全体としてどうやって沈黙を保つことができるのでしょうか。私がサッカーの試合を 1 試合終えるまでに 9 人の子供が殺されることになります。その数は日に日に増加しています。

For the avoidance of doubt, my statement on 27 October 2023 was my only and final statement both to FSV Mainz 05 and the public relating to the social media posts made by me over the last few weeks.
Any other statements, comments or apologies to the contrary attributed to me are not factually correct and have not been made or authorised by me.
My position remains the same as it was when this started:
-I am against war and violence
- I am against the killing of all innocent civilians
-I am against all forms of discrimination
- I am against Islamophobia
-I am against anti-semitism
- I am against genocide
- I am against apartheid
- I am against occupation
- I am against oppression
I do not regret or have any remorse for my position. I do not distance myself from what I said and I stand, today and always until my last breath, for humanity and the oppressed.
I do not owe special responsibility to any state. I do not believe any people or states are beyond question and accountability nor are they above International law.
I have no choice but to stand firm for justice and bear witness to the truth and would do so even if was against me, my parents, my relatives and kinsmen.
There can never be any justification for the killing of over 3,500 children in Gaza in the last 3 weeks. How can we as a world remain silent when according to the charity 'Save the Children' 1 child is being killed every 10 minutes in Gaza. That's 9 children killed by the time I complete 1 football match. That number is rising by the day.
I, and we as a world, cannot conscionably remain silent.
We must call for an end to the killing in Gaza now!




