kalloway さんがブースト

Sarrah ran her fingers over the implements in the box one last time before looking at her teacher.

"Are you sure I'm ready?" she asked. She did not feel ready. But she trusted her teacher and she'd just been given a complete vampire hunting kit. It had to be time.

"You're ready."

Sarrah blinked, surprised at the sharp-fanged smile that her teacher was giving her.

"Wait," Sarrah said, eyes suddenly wide. "I thought-"

Her teacher laughed.

"Sarrah, dear. If you want me, hunt me and catch me."

Sarrah nodded.

Oh she'd do just that!

kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト

In Canada, we have a long weekend, for a holiday called 'Family Day'.
Awoke this morning to some fluffy snow and my partner and I decided to go for a beautiful morning walk.
Not only was I struck by the beauty of it all, but an immense gratitude swelled up within me for our little family.
Regardless of what anyone thinks, the family you choose is valid. Queer, bi, gay, straight, no kids all beautiful and worth celebrating.


"Wait, why does the program require a year of math?" Simona asked as she looked over her course schedule and then the list of classes for the next few years of her life.

Her guidance counselor smiled.

"Most witches go into business for themselves, and those that don't often end up in private employment and have to keep their own inventories and accounting anyway," they explained. "Honestly, a year of math probably isn't quite enough."

Quietly, Simona nodded. It wouldn't be as exciting as Everyday Potions, but yeah, that really did add up.

kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト


kalloway さんがブースト

I found it. It was Bernice King. Even better than I remembered. I like "Be a good steward of your energy" so darn much.

Isadora sighed and beckoned her late-night patient inside.

"What did you do this time?" she asked.

"Went a little far with a joke," Harris replied, his voice a bit more hollow than usual.

Isadora stared at Harris for a long, long moment.

"Okay, went way too far with an unfunny joke and swords came out," Harris admitted. "Mostly theirs. And you can see how that turned out."

"I'm charging my usual fee," Isadora replied flatly.

"Yeah, yeah, but joke's still on them. I've been dead for sixty years!

"Now, Isadora, dear, put my head back on?"

kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト

I made a zine about old English ballads last year (CW: mildly dark art/mention to death) 

I really love old ballads, each piece is one of the oldest and smallest packages of fantasy/horror-related imagination. These are watercolor works from that zine, on the left is based on "Rolling of the Stones" and on the right is based on "The Unquiet Grave"

#mastoart #fediart #forklore #watercolor #fantasy

kalloway さんがブースト

delicate footsteps
across fine-woven silver
winter's final web

#DailyHaikuPrompt - February 17th 2024 - last frost.
#haiku #senryu #poetry #SmallPoems #Writing

kalloway さんがブースト

The clock had a window so you could see its insides: a mainspring, rotor, brass gears interlocking and turning, controlling the movement of the hands.

The old man didn't call it a clock, though: he called it a time regulator.

"#Wind it tight, lassie, for it's to govern our next 24 hours. At first our time will feel crisp and brisk, but at the end the minutes will seem to stretch ... and then it will be time to wind it again."

#wss366 #microfiction #clockwork #time

kalloway さんがブースト

I miss drawing! I haven’t drawn anything for months after experiencing some level nonsense at work.. So for my birthday, I decided to draw something, even if it’s simple. Here’s a portrait of my character Sia~

#kariavalonart #originalcharacter #MastoArt

The witch at the edge of the swamp sold potions and charms and curious cures. But she also sold wind-chimes made of metal and bright glass that made every breeze a melody.

"What magic do they have?" asked one young woman who'd come for a cure she was only able to mumble about. She'd been glum til she'd opened the door and a tiny gust of wind had created a sudden symphony.

The witch just cackled, because that's what seemed to be proper to do.

"The magic to make you smile," she said.

And the young woman blinked and realized...

Yes, she was!

kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト

10-year-old Anna admired the cashiers at the Cumberland Farms station: the guy with leafy tattoos around his neck & swirls & sharp angles at his wrists, & the girl with the bangles, the hoop earrings, & the sparkling stud in her #nose.

Anna's parents wouldn't approve of any of those things even for Anna's big sister, let alone for Anna. But Anna had a black Bic pen, a sharp eye, & a steady hand, & one afternoon she drew herself bangles, tattoos, a nose stud--the works. #wss366 #microfiction

"May I have this dance?"

Lady Orva had retreated to the castle gardens to clear her head, and her nose, from the overwhelming everything of the ball. She'd never done well in crowds, but she kept trying...

She was not expecting to turn and see the third prince, Jovan, extending a hand.

"I... Yes, of course."

Lady Orva took his hand carefully.

"It's really bright in there tonight," Jovan said quietly.

"Loud," Lady Orva added. "Too many scents."

Jovan nodded, and then they danced, not close, not at first.

Not til everything was clear.

Night was surprised by the volume of the place even before stepping inside. Kee usually took him to quiet, intimate pubs, but this was certainly not one of those.

They would not be talking, not over the music, nor the singing, nor the joyous cries of those already moved on to dancing.

But they did not need to talk, not when the food was good and the music after even better. Night had never danced like he found himself dancing...

He gorged himself not on the food and drink but on the music, the joy, the movement-

-and Kee, of course, too.

