Spa Day 6 - Client: Rock Roller

Yeah, this guy is a robot who transformers into a rock. He's from a Gobots subline or something and he has a friction wheel on his bottom so he can nyoom along, as rocks tend to do? Listen, I was there in the 1980's and shit was weird.

Was out in the barn, got a wipe-down, off to the sale pile because even though he's funny, I really don't have the space to keep him.

Spa Day 5 - Client: Applejack

Applejack was lucky that she did not have the sticky; she just had a thin layer of grime and her mane and tail needed some work. She also bit the pavement at one point and her eye had some damage.

She got a quick alcohol wipedown to remove grime, then got a full soapy bath. She was shampooed and conditioned, and I twirled her tail around a finger to try to get a little style in it when dry.

I smudged a little sharpie onto her eye to fix it up a bit, but she's definitely been pre-loved.

In fact, here is the next client - a kind of gronky Applejack. You can see the tangles in her tail and the faint dirt sheen. I think she got picked up at a sale or given to me; I don't think she's from my childhood.

She has some tampo damage to her one eye; dunno if I'm going to try to fix that or not.

Spa Day 4 - Client: 4-Speed

4-Speed had a mild-but-noticeable case of Sticky and has been chilling by the sink for... listen, let's not do the math. As one of my original childhood ponies, he was also kind of dirty.

A few alcohol-cottonball wipedowns took care of the stickiness and the dirt surprisingly well. He does still have a few scuffs and marks, along with some natural plastic discoloration spots that most MLPs get.

His hardhat also was sticky and it cleaned up nicely as well.

Spa Day 3 - Client: This Hairbrush

What do you mean it doesn't count? It absolutely counts! Actually, when I realized how well alcohol and a little patience worked on toy stickiness, I decided to try it on this brush. It's not that old at all, but it went sticky almost right away, which was disappointing when I'd bought it to replace some much-older brushes that were in far-worse shape.

Anyway, sticky removed, brush back in service, uh, for when my current very-short haircut grows out!

Spa Day 2 - Client(s): Jade & Anise

Two blind-box/gashapon figures from Tales of the Abyss. Both had a bad case of stickiness - even their hard plastic stands were sticky!

Like with Ed's coat, I went to work with alcohol and cottonballs and the difference was amazing. Even the stands are un-sticky!

These figures are deceptive. Jade is no taller than 5 inches and Anise is smaller, but they're incredibly detailed. I doubt I got all the coating off them, but I can at least touch them and put them back on display.

(I may actually sell Anise; undecided.)

Spa Day 1 - Client: Edward Elric('s Coat)

With a bad case of plastic stickiness (seriously, you could pick the coat up, let go, and it'd stay on your hand), Ed's coat needed help.

Reddit suggested rubbing alcohol and after three gentle-but-thorough applications via cotton-ball the stickiness has gone from, like, 9/10 to 1.5/10.

Apparently the stickiness is from a finish coating that needs to be removed entirely. It didn't harm the color or tampos on the coat but YMMV.

Ed's alternate hands and arms are all fine. Different plastic.

Three times in the last two days. I want to raise them all! (The other one was a couple weeks ago, level 200 was a spring project. I'm still a lower-rank/fairly "new" player.)

