kalloway さんがブースト

Deep in the #gorge, following the meandering path of a desert creek, they found a skeleton. Shreds of a black shirt clung to the ribs. A nearby wallet confirmed they found their man.
A soft noise came from the bones catching their attention. Pushing the rags aside revealed a skinny black kitten sheltering in the sternum.
"He woulda wanted it this way."
Kitty didn't want to be picked up, but despite protestations purred in her arms. "This is George now."

Eddy moved to Nandelle in the late spring and didn't know about the icicles on the old church until winter.

But he dutifully put in his bet on when the last one would fall in the early spring, and even volunteered for a shift of watching, thinking it would be good fun.

He hadn't expected it to involve sitting bundled alone in the churchyard at night with a firepot and lantern and looming dark tombstones.

But the last one fell just after midnight and there was a great cheer from all around-

Eddy moved from Nandelle in the late spring.

kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト

Felt like making something cute for Valentines / Galentines weekend 💕

Orange, chocolate, and angel-food flavors <3

#valentinesday #caturday #CatsOfMastodon

kalloway さんがブースト

Tree-boughs and dangling lichen caught and clung as his gelding raced on; Kir ignored it all, focused on the half-weedy trail and the goal ahead --

Not far now, not far now, not far now -- the words became a mantra in his head, one that he dared not gasp aloud --

Was that a balehound howl behind them? A silver horn?

Ahead lay the last bridge and then, the landfort -- if it stood, if it survived --

No. He'd deliver the Grey's missive.
He would.

#MicroPrompt (bridge) #writing

kalloway さんがブースト

In the top drawer of his dresser, Ayl kept a box of trinkets. Not a whit of it was worth stealing; not the coin from a foreign land nor the plated broach of his mother's.

Not the handkerchief from his sister nor the glass charm from his brother.

And certainly not the crushed velvet bow, torn from the crimson dress of a three-day childhood crush in exchange for a button from his jacket.

Silently, the thief touched the button on the chain around her neck.

Everything went back in the box as it had been.

Perhaps she'd visit in the morning.

kalloway さんがブースト

'This's the last thing I needed, rot it, I was so close --'

Close enough to reach out and touch Alouette's tawny-pink hull. Close enough to get away from the Ring and the circling bulk of Sublime Communion's pale domes.

But no.

Instead a velvet voice murmured across her own private wave, cajoling.

::I'm almost there, Wayfare Ilry. Please, consider.::

Ilry glanced back; spotted the ivory of a Communion uniform ... and the glint of pale frost on dark hair.

Oh no.

#wss366 (velvet) #writing

kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト

The rain was incessant, drenching the city long into the night.

Beneath an overhang, Morre flattened his ears and cursed the rain. He'd stayed mostly dry, aside from his tail, but dry didn't do him much good when nobody was out.

There'd been a fraction of the usual foot-traffic that evening, which meant he'd earned a fraction of what he normally would.

And moments later, when a cloaked woman with piercing eyes offered him a fraction of what he was worth, Morre just nodded.

For another fraction of the night, he'd be out of the rain.

kalloway さんがブースト

When drought stuck, the dragon herded rain clouds to the kingdom. The king offered it gold.

"I did it for my family," the dragon said.

"You have family here?"

"The purpose of power is to protect one's family. As one's power grows, so must the scope of family widen."

"... I see."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

kalloway さんがブースト


お題 バレンタイン💝
(副題 団長は見た!

kalloway さんがブースト

::Didn't take them long, did it?!::

No, it sure didn't -- a handful of marks past the real wild rumours, tops, and at least two different armatures were homing in on the Sublime Communion's icy white domes. Ugly machines, too; rough and grey-plated, more gnarled warbeasts than his ivory knight.

And no idents at all. Of course.

Which meant Van and his lance-mate had open permissions.

"Let's show them what happens when you're stupid enough to strafe the holy station."

#wss366 (lure)

Chloe stared into the fire and felt the lure of the flames stronger than she ever had, even as a child.

She'd always been warned away by her parents, by Nanny, by Governess...

She'd been promised a room with a grate, not a hearth, but a window had been damaged in that last storm, could she handle a hearth for a week?

The fire called to her. The flames beckoned. Chloe knew she shouldn't- No, she'd been told she shouldn't- She'd been told to stay away-

Carefully, Chloe reached one hand into flickering red and orange-

She didn't burn.

kalloway さんがブースト

dear everyone who is currently working on a Thing, whatever that Thing may be,

good luck with the Thing. you can do the Thing. you will do the Thing. you just have to do the Thing.

best wishes,

someone who is also doing a Thing

kalloway さんがブースト
kalloway さんがブースト

"... So if it is lies, the Chamber must find the liars and make an example; and if by some chance it is the truth, then ..."

Then Lord Naran would see many ~opportunities. The entire Chamber would, if The Sublime Stellar Presence really was dead, or vanished, or any of the other rumours.

She was still sincere, of course; Rene didn't doubt that. That was the problem.

The Chamber, and every lesser House, would scramble like rivvs before the corpse was even found.

#wss366 (sincere) #writing

The brass beneath Louisa's hand is pocked and worn, a reminder of the age of the railing and its centuries submerged beneath the lake's deep waters.

She is there with a sincere request, one that has carried her safely to the depths with the help of twin witches with no other goals than helping a friend...

Once, Louisa had met the great water dragon, and since then, she had wanted one thing-

And so she stands, smiling, staring at scales and teeth and eyes that bore into her, sure in her feelings.

"Lord Water Dragon! Will you marry me?"

