I have a question about the `liked` collection in the #ActivityPub specification. According to section 5.5, the liked collection is “a list of every object from all of the actor's `Like` activities”, whereas the side note in section 5.7 says it is “a collection of `Like` activities performed by the actor”. What is the element type of the liked collection, `Object` or `Like`?

• Section 5.5: w3.org/TR/activitypub/#liked
• Section 5.7: w3.org/TR/activitypub/#likes


ActivityPub 仕様の`liked`コレクションについて質問です。5.5章によると、`liked`コレクションは「アクタの全ての`Like`アクティビティのオブジェクトのリスト」であり、5.7章のサイドノートによると、`liked`コレクションは「アクタが行った`Like`アクティビティのコレクション」であると書かれています。いったい、likedコレクションの要素型は`Object`なのか`Like`なのでしょうか?

QT: fosstodon.org/@hongminhee/1131

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)  
I have a question about the `liked` collection in the #ActivityPub specification. According to section 5.5, the liked collection is “a list of ever...

nice catch!

and the rest of the SocialCG touched on this issue just last month and it's on its way to being fixed in due course!


