(Levi.jp さんのツイート↓)
Because fascists lack a coherent political worldview, they have the biggest tent in politics. Contrary to popular belief, fascist movements do welcome all races, sexual orientations, and gender identities.
As long as you share hatred of some of the same groups, you can find a home in the fascist movement. If you're a trans woman who hates Black people, you'll find a home in the fascist movement (as long as you're willing to overlook transphobia).
If you're a Latino man who hates women and wants to dominate them, you'll find a home in the fascist movement (as long as you're willing to overlook racism). You'll be useful to the fascist movement as a token or ideological shield - they can use your marginalized identity to further their cause.
This is why you'll see gay fascists in a crowd of Proud Boys who are shouting "f*ggot", Black fascists storming the Capitol alongside people shouting the N-word at police, and Jewish fascists at an antivax rally standing next to people holding signs saying that COVID is a Jewish conspiracy.
When you see someone like Elon Musk embracing the far right, it's not because the far right has any kind of coherent political or intellectual worldview he agrees with. It's because the far right is the last bastion of shitty people - they will accept anyone regardless of their personal behavior.
The far right have no standards for behavior, identity or beliefs - you only need to share the raw desire to dominate others. The far right welcomes all manner of abusers, thieves, grifters, and scoundrels.
Logically therefore if you're an abuser, thief, grifter or a scoundrel you will eventually find that the only friends you have left are far right extremists.
「今年前半に首相辞任を」46% スマホ対象のdサーベイ世論調査 | 毎日新聞 https://mainichi.jp/articles/20230109/k00/00m/010/107000c
After the nightly presence of people in front of Rajaee Shahr prison, the Islamic Republic failed to kill #Mohammad_Ghobadloo and #Mohammad_Boroughani on the morning of 9th. January Their lives are still in danger.
人権を憎む異常性――壺カルト(≠宗教団体)がらみで殺された瓶三の重犯罪=税金私物化による違法な買収=は擁護する一方、人間性回復に日夜努めているNPOの活動費用には病的な難癖をつける奴隷層は、醜悪な罪を犯している。その清算に時効はない。軍国カルト期の臣民やトヨタ本体の信者と同様に。 01月10日
Abe (Tsubozo), who was killed after uniting with Moonies (anti-social cult), stole taxpayer money. Japanese incels defend this crime. On the other hand, they are against the cost of activities of NPO that aim to restore humanity. Like cult TOYOTA believers, they are fanatics.
「安倍派に強い関係が」教団対応ちぐはぐ 自民は不信にのみ込まれた:朝日新聞デジタル https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASR1676Y9QDZUTFK00F.html
2030年冬季五輪招致 札幌市民の67%が「反対」、全道でも61%が反対=北海道新聞調べ https://www.nikkan-gendai.com/articles/view/sports/316959
ブラジル、前大統領支持者が議会や最高裁を襲撃: 日本経済新聞 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOGN0903E0Z00C23A1000000
日本の歴史上、最も屈辱的な末路をたどった軍国カルト時代、報道機関は洗脳の道具に堕した。いま、壺カルト(≠宗教団体)がらみで殺された壺三や、壺カルト支配下の壺カル党(通名:ジミン)の妄想=人権憎悪を喧伝する機関は、敗退への道を再現している。反人権の非モテもトヨタ本体の信者も共犯だ。 01月09日
Japanese media is just like the military cult era. They propagate anti-human rights delusion of Abe (Tsubozo), who was killed after uniting with Moonies (anti-social cult), and his ilk. And they have increased the number of incels & cult TOYOTA believers who hate human rights.
自民・山田県議、旧統一教会関連の研修会に政活費で参加|信濃毎日新聞デジタル 信州・長野県のニュースサイト https://www.shinmai.co.jp/news/article/CNTS2023010700109
【謹賀新年 社会新報元旦号対談】福島みずほ党首とジャーナリストの鈴木エイトさん~統一教会と自民党への追及はまだまだ続く - 社民党 SDP Japan
「自民党に教団を切る覚悟はあるのか」韓国に住む日本人信者は怒りをぶちまけた https://www.nikkan-gendai.com/articles/view/life/316929
壺カルト(≠宗教団体)と一体化したあげく→ネトウヨ仲間の私怨によって殺された瓶三、戦争ゴッコのために平然と増税を公言する→壺カルト支配下の壺カル党(通名:ジミン)――に媚びてもモテるようにはならない。この現実から逃避して性消費に粘着しても、トヨタ本体の信者と同様、キモいだけだよ。 01月08日
Abe (Tsubozo), who was uniting with Moonies (anti-social cult), was killed by his right wing fellow for personal grudge. Current government has vowed to raise taxes for game war. Japanese incels worship them, but cannot have lovers. Incels are as stupid as cult TOYOTA believers.
タクシーで暴言の熊本県議が議員辞職 昨夏には甲子園スタンドで喫煙:朝日新聞デジタル https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASR163WD8R16TLVB001.html
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