有限の値に関する定理の証明には gl を使うといいと学んだ。
たしかにこれはすごい。カードゲームの証明とかも GL でいけるのかもしれない。

XDOC — 1. An Example GL Proof

A tip / reminder:
Be careful when using Direct Messages (a.k.a. mentioned people only). Two issues people sometimes forget:

1: DMs are not encrypted. Admins with access to the database could potentially read them.

2 : When sending a DM to someone, when you mention another person by their username, they can also read the DM. (Therefore 'mentioned people only' is a better name than DM)

In short: never send sensitive information on Mastodon. Use other tools for that.


Oh hell yeah. is launching a Mastodon instance in early 2023! I’m very excited for this. Mozilla is really good at what they do. Firefox has over 200M monthly active users, and with any luck they’ll build better support for the fediverse into Firefox itself. Mastodon will greatly benefit from easy to use professionally run instances that can handle massive scaling blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/mo

There's a stupid thing going on with the self-appointed Mastodon Police where they're scolding newly arrived artists and writers for promoting their own work.

That's really, well, unfortunate.

The lack of paid promotion does mean that even big brands trying to advertise here would not be able to reach broadly unless people choose to boost the ads. I think people are just reacting to being constantly marketed to in every previous platform, without understanding how it would actually work if people tried in the fediverse.

Comparing the official mastodon app, tooot, subway tooter and Tusky, Tusky UI is the closest to the original twitter UI. The most important being the swipe left/right to change the pane.

Elon, Twitter 

I've been covering this industry a long time and I have no fucking clue what is happening.


Also, is there a tool for mirroring mastodon to Twitter automatically?

If I leave twitter, it is simply because I can no longer see the tweets of people who I want to see because of the ban. The more Twitter bans people, the less interesting Twitter becomes.

#JohnMastodon is proof that things *CAN* go viral here on Mastodon, but the key is that *YOU* are the algorithm. The reason that the John Mastodon meme showed up on other people's timelines is because so many users boosted the posts.

The lesson here is: please don't just favourite something if you really enjoyed it; BOOST it so that other people can enjoy it, too! This is the only reason why I bother to create as large a social graph as I can on Mastodon—to act as an amplifier. You can, too!❤️😉





禁止サービスとしては、Facebook、Instagram、Mastodon、Truth Social、Tribel、Post、Nostr、linktr.ee、lnk.bioが明言されています。


Promotion of alternative social platforms policy

I made the account and didnt tweet anything since then, but now that paulg "sent out", maybe time to seriously start using it...

