仕事前に犬の散歩をしながら聞いていたNYTのThe Daily (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/07/podcasts/the-daily/the-deadly-earthquake-in-turkey-and-syria.html )とWaPoのPost Reports (https://www.washingtonpost.com/podcasts/post-reports/sifting-through-the-rubble-in-turkey-and-syria/ ) の両方で、そもそも戦禍でまともな政府機能がなくなってしまっているシリア北西部が本当にまずい状態だし、これから先も政府経由の支援には期待できそうにもない、という話をしていたので、msfと同時に、シリア北西部非政権支配に支援を届けると言っているこちらのNPO (https://syncable.biz/campaign/4228 )にも僅かですが支援金を送りました。
If Musk "steps down" as Twitter CEO, per his latest bogus "poll", some things to remember:
1) He'll still be the owner, and the owner makes the rules the CEO carries out.
2) He lies incessantly. Nothing he says can be trusted, ever.
3) Big Journalism will breathlessly cover the charade as if it meant something, and will continue to support a man who loathes honest reporting and has contempt for genuine freedom of expression.
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