There were three men came out of the West
Three kings both great and high
And they have sworn a solemn oath
John Mastodon must die.
They took a tank and ran him down
With bullets in his head
And they have sworn a solemn oath
John Mastodon was dead
But when the Spring came kindly on
And showers began to fall
John Mastodon got up again
And did surprise them all...
Jeremy Clarkson - I think he is the lowest form of human being.
📻Vivaldi 雑談 radio やります📻
明後日21日水21時、Vivaldiの今年1年をわいわい振り返る雑談Twitter Spacesをやってみます。
Twitter Spaces、その日は無事に使えますように😎
if you are new to Mastodon, I encourage filling your profile page. If I don't know anything about you I can't follow you. Also, I recommend the liberal use of hashtags with things you are interested in - that's how people find you.
This rare picture captures a nonetheless rare moment in the history of the #Fediverse (ca. 1958): the federation of several instances at the same time (the 4th, 5th and 6th).
#JohnMastodon is seen at the center, holding the federation register, listing the wiring schematics. His second-in-command, #JosephFunkwhale is taking notes before entering the #Fediverse chamber to manually patch the federation cables.
#EdLEmmy, #FredBookwyrm and (unknown) are on consoles monitoring the process.
Looks like the WSJ is going all in on moving to Mastodon, with this little tutorial available without a paywall.
TLを整理すれば だって素晴らしい情報収集プラットフォームになるという意見を見たけれど、それはとっくの昔にやりました。
#Introductions #自己紹介 トゥートは気が向いた時で結構ですので、せめてプロフには何か少しでもご自身のことを書いてくださると、フォローされる側も安心ですしフォロバの判断材料にもなります。
Pretty please with a cherry on top🍒
“You are the thinker of your thoughts. Do you want your mind to flourish into a garden of roses or a farm of poison?”
English → Japanese translator, transcreator, copy cruncher. UK在住 英日マーケティング翻訳者、トランスクリエイター。かたいものやわらかいもの割となんでも訳します。◆◇◆ ソロサーバーに引っ越ししました。@etta ◆◇◆