
@kasouba_com 紙のガーランドとか店内の飾り付けがかわいくて、あとほっといてくれるので長居できるんですよ!楽しんできてください〜👍

@kasouba_com やっぱり!折り紙とか便箋とかの奥にタントとかファーストヴィンテージとか色々あります🤭道がつるつる気味のゾーンでもあるからお気をつけて…!

@kasouba_com あ、ペーパーショップサクマさんにいかれたことはありますか?実家にいたときしょっちゅう紙を見に行ってました!

I had a medical checkup early this morning. I wanted to go to a crepe shop but unfortunately it was closed. 🥲

For the moment, I made an appointment for a mortgage consultation at the bank.

Long time no see. I'm fine, Thank you. Today I got up early and reply to web messages. Then, I saw my headache doctor and get some medicines. After that, I work out especially abd at the gym. By the way, Today is my pay day. I bought a few flowers for myself. And I had a haircut and haircolor in the salon. I took a English lesson. It was very busy day but I feel good.

I find that I should read a vocabulary book until the day of TOEIC test. I think It's not to be late to start, right?

Uhh......, Today I went to register for TOEIC. My examination day is 4/21. Geez......

@kasouba_com すごくあっさり言うとこういうことらしいです。news.tv-asahi.co.jp/news_econo


It's lucky that I got Tom Prior's signature on my booklet !!! He is very sweet and cute!!! I I was shamed I only said "Thank you" "Take care".


I went to the cinema for "Firebird" yesterday. It based real person's story. It was amazing and beautiful film. I thought that love is beautiful but sometimes very selfish. I hope my follower see it and like it.

There are only six days left until the deadline of my icemav fanbook.

Today I went to the headache clinic and I got some medicines. Then I stopped at my local library and I borrowed a few books.
Actually I slept for two hours. I'm cramping now. I should drink an aspirin.

